for those that know me, you know that i volunteer my time for soccer related activities. well, to make a short story long,
I was opening the fields getting ready for the days' first games. I went to go check on some fields when I noticed this vehicle that was parked strangely. There were no other cars around this one in the parking lot. The vehicle was parked across several spots with its front tires up against the curb. I kinda just dismissed it thinking this person wanted to watch their son/daughter play and was too lazy to park right.
I approached the vehicle and noticed it was still running. I went over to the driver's side and noticed a gentleman who appeared to be out, asleep, or whatever. So I gently knocked on the window to get his attention, but he didn't wake up or acknowledge me. So I knocked a bit harder, thinking he may be asleep. I could see that he was breathing, but seemed to be having some difficulty breathing. So I knocked a bit harder this time. Still no acknowledgement. So at this point, I'm beating the window trying to get his attention, still nothing. Well at this point, all these thoughts are going through my mind. First thing I think of is heart attack, then diabetic coma. All the doors are locked, the truck is still in drive, and I'm thinking I need to call 911.
so I call 911, operator asks me all these questions, some of which are superfluous, but nonetheless necessary I guess. Well the fire station is like 2 blocks away so almost immediately they show up.
the fire department has this handy little gadget that opens any locked car with some radio frequency signal. They were able to get the door open. So they are trying to wake this guy and cant get him to wake up. He somewhat responds but still is out of it. I think they shoved an IV into him and he is still out.
Well, by this time I'm thinking to myself, "I'm a hero, I just saved some one's life". Lets see, key to the city, maybe a guest in Jerry Jones' suite during a Cowboys game, Letterman or Leno, etc...
So I leave to go take care of the rest of my duties. Then after a while, I go back and everyone has left except for a tow truck and the cop that showed up with the rest of the emergency responders. I introduce myself to the lady cop as the person that called 911.
Did i mention this lady cop was really kinda hot? She asks for my name, number where I can be reached, some other questions which I cant seem to remember cause she was really cute, and then I ask her how was the gentleman doing? I told the officer I called 911 because I could not get a response after repeatedly beating on this guy's window, and was concerned for his well being. She then asked me how long had he been there, and if I witnessed him pulling into the parking lot. She also asked if I had talked to any witnesses who may have seen him pull in. I said one person saw the truck come in but was driving slowly. They thought he was driving to the porta potty there in the parking lot. So when I asked how he was doing, she replies,
"He was drunk",
Ah. So I am thinking to myself, why did she ask for my name and number? Maybe she wants to handcuff me after she gets off her shift?
One can only hope. See what happens when you try and do the right thing?
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